
Place of birth: Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.

Real Name: Allison Rayne

Bio: American nurse, currently working in war-torn West African countries as part of a humanitarian mission. Sheโ€™s no stranger to violence as she lives through it everyday, with regular raids, sieges on her camp by local extremist warlords. Her duties include administering aid and lending a fighting hand in dire times.

Personality: The nature and hardships of her work have made her very selfless, altruistic, and compassionate. The things sheโ€™s witnessed bringing medical aid and infrastructure to West Africa have given her a strong conviction and belief in herself.

In-game special ability: Healing. Create a medic area, healing herself and allies. Duration: 5s. Healing: 12% of total HP per second. Cooldown: 60s.

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